... mutely around. The end of the song

Scenic-literary concert on insects

Group picture Project Silent Around the End of the Song, all artists with insect masks in a green space

Sunday 17 September at 15.00 
In the former Baroque Garden Künsche, Lüchow-Dannenberg County District
As part of the landscape art project of the Group KX07 I 1 to 24 September 2023

Admission free (donations), bring your own seating
Limited number of visitors, registration: haninga@gmx.de


The extinction of species, the loss of biodiversity and the associated silencing
natural soundscapes are the theme of this scenic concert. Just like the
special communicative abilities, behaviour and perception of bees
and other insects. Narrating, humming, hissing with music between classical, jazz and
improvisation, the Ensemble Megaphon imaginatively tells the story of various
Insect skills. Through this playful exploration, the artists want to
stimulate new ways of listening and thinking.


  • Vlady Bystrov /Clarinet
  • Grzegorz Krawzcak/Violoncello
  • Ehsan Ebrahimi /Santur
  • Lenka Župková /Violin
  • Johannes Keller /Contrabass
  • Christiane Ostermayer /Acting
  • Willi Hanne /percussion
  • Nico Gutu /Accordion
  • Andre Bartetzki / sound direction
  • Burkhard Scheller/ Costumes

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