Ensemble Megaphon

Ensemble Megaphon: Drawer? Does not fit!

Ensemble Megaphon is a collective of international artists founded in 2007 by Czech violinist Lenka Župková. The creative focus of the ensemble is on the interfaces between contemporary music and media, music theatre, conceptual improvisation and live electronics, as well as the juxtaposition of avant-garde with early music.

Musical spatial stagings and performances

The artists of the Megaphon ensemble are specialists in spatial stagings and site-specific performances as well as concerts in unusual spaces. With passion and a love of experimentation, they develop and realise new performance formats in which they combine video, sound art, dance and drama.

Environment, politics and integration as thematic focal points

Using the complex means and possibilities of music theatre, they place art in a new context to pose questions about ecological and political contexts. The projects are thematically, politically and socially oriented. Environment, ecology and social systems are important topics for the ensemble and intercultural encounters with artists from Syria, Armenia, Iran and Turkey are an important concern.

International - Interdisciplinary - Pedagogical

The Ensemble Megaphon regularly works with composers such as: A. Schlünz, S. Nesic, B. König, H. Tulve, K.Reese, J.Hodkinson, G.Eckert, J.G.Stastny, M.Eggert, T. Prelevic, D. Morreira, Ch.Seither, E. Ebrahimi, V. Globokar and many more, and commissions compositions from young composers.
More than 60 works have been written and premiered for the ensemble to date.

Under the direction of music theatre pedagogues, the ensemble regularly realises participative Mediation projects and pedagogical-artistic actions.

Organisation and promotion

The association Blickpunkte e.V. provides organisational support for the projects of the ensemble Megaphon. Since 2019, Ensemble Megaphon has been institutionally supported by the City of Hanover and Kulturbüro Hannover.


2020 Reload Scholarship of the Federal Cultural Foundation
2021: Restart of the ensemble's promotion funding
2022 Culture Award of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover