Ensemble Megaphon

Take a train!

Friday, 22 September at 2 p.m. KlaWIR at Braunschweig station Admission free Content Three artists from Ensemble Megaphon will be performing at KlaWIR at Braunschweig's main railway station. "Take a train" is the name of the programme with pieces of music that make you dream of setting off, travelling and new adventures. Works by D. Ellington, E. [...]
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Cover image: Project Lifelines


Transformation concert with music, dance and poetry from 8 centuries Sat. 03.09.2022, 19:30, Admission: 19:00 Landesmusikakademie Niedersachsen, Am Seeligerpark 1, 38300 Wolfenbüttel Tickets for 10 Euro/ reduced 8 Euro are available at the box office 19:00 or via Reservix Corona-related changes may occur. The Ensemble Megaphon invites you to a very special concert [...]
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Project tightrope walker without net

Tightrope walker without net

SoundTRAX Open Air -Music and Film at the Summer Cinema

A two-part evening with poems by Mascha Kaleko and musical improvisations and the live setting of the silent film classic People on Sunday by Robert Siodmak.

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Cover picture: Music at the Bauhaus

Music at the Bauhaus

Portrait of the composer Adriana Hölzsky

Within the framework of Three Days of New Music

In cooperation with the "Braunschweiger Klangwerkstatt", the Ensemble Megaphon plays sounding contemporary testimonies by, among others, Adriana Hölszky, Adolf Busch. Erwin Schulhoff, and improvisationally sets film experiments such as those by Werner Graeffs and Hans Richters to music.


  • 26.10. 2019 Dornse of the Old Town Hall Braunschweig at 7.30 p.m.
  • Sun 27.10. 2019 Dornse of the Old Town Hall Braunschweig at 11.00 a.m.
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Sleepless Love Poster

Sleepless love

On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the death of the famous organ builder Arp Schnitger, the Ensemble Megaphon invites you to literary-musical radio plays.


Sat. 30.11. 2019, 7.00 p.m., St. Nicolai Bothfeld Hanover Thurs. 5.12. 2019, 7.30 p.m., St. Clement's Basilica, Hanover Sat. 7.12. 2019, 7.00 p.m., Emmauskirche, Langenhagen

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Poster History of the Soldier

The Soldier's Tale - Music by Igor Stravinsky

As part of the MICHAELISKLOSTERS' CONCERT SERIES & THE CROSSWALK FULL OF LIGHT AND MUSIC 2019, we will be performing an extended version of Stravinsky's composition "L'Histoire du Soldat" to accompany the poetic animations. Fri. 08.11.2019, 8 pm, Auditorium of the Michaelis Monastery
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Scene photo Project Empty Rooms

Concert "empty rooms

A cooperation project of Ensemble Megaphon and Ensemble Reflexion K with works by Gerald Eckert, Snezana Nesic, Luigi Nono and Helena Tulve. Friday, 6.9. 2019 at 7:30 pm Art Space Tosterglope VVK at the box office from 19:00 hrs. Price 15/10€
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Concert 3 Exercise in facing doubt".

A cooperation project of Ensemble Megaphon and Ensemble Reflexion K with works by Gerald Eckert, Snezana Nesic, Luigi Nono and Helena Tulve. As part of the Festival Musik 21 Niedersachsen Sunday, 8.9. 2019, 11.15 a.m. Sprengel Museum Hanover VVK box office at the Sprengel Museum from 10:30 a.m. Admission prices 15/10 €
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Poster: Of course also through the reeds

Of course also through the reeds

German poetry is currently experiencing a heyday, renewing its ways of speaking in combination with music, creating its own formats on this evening. 20 September 2019 Venue: Theatermuseum, Prinzenstraße 9, 30159 Hanover At 19:00 Admission 10 € VVK : Box office from 6:30 pm
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Poster: Free Irresponsible

Free UN Responsible?

Join the discussion and listen to the music at the Open Society Day. 15 June 2019, 11:00 to 13:00 Foyer of the VHS Hannover, Burgstraße Free admission
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Here you can see the current performances and news. You can find all performances in our archive.

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