
Between sound and silence

Sunday 25 September 2022 at 11 a.m. as part of the festival 'Drei Tage Neue Musik Braunschweig'Dornse Braunschweig, Altstadtmarkt 7, 38100 BraunschweigAdmission free, donations welcome The performance moves in the border areas between sound and silence with the aim of feeling, hearing and perceiving the silence in the music. It is a venture and an attempt to explore the various facets of [...]
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Workshop concert with the ensembles KlangErlebnis and Megaphon

  SA, 01.02.2025 at 19.00 Location: Hall in the Bürgerschule Content: Last summer, we founded an intercultural, intergenerational amateur ensemble called "KlangErlebnis". The focus was on having fun and enjoying making music together. We created our own compositions, which we are now performing in a joint concert with the Ensemble Megaphon [...]
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Take a train!

Friday, 22 September at 2 p.m. KlaWIR at Braunschweig station Admission free Content Three artists from Ensemble Megaphon will be performing at KlaWIR at Braunschweig's main railway station. "Take a train" is the name of the programme with pieces of music that make you dream of setting off, travelling and new adventures. Works by D. Ellington, E. [...]
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Group picture Project Silent Around the End of the Song, all artists with insect masks in a green space

... mutely around. The end of the song

Sunday 17 September at 3.00 pm In the former baroque garden Künsche, district of Lüchow-Dannenberg As part of the landscape art project of the group KX07 I 1 to 24 September 2023 Admission free (donations), bring your own seating Visitor numbers limited, registration: Content The extinction of species, the loss of biodiversity and the associated silencing of natural soundscapes are the theme of this [...]...
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The Silencing of the Seas

WerkstattKonzert- Installation Saturday 17 June from 19.30 - 21.00 Kesselhaus, Faust e.V. Hannover Zur Bettfedernfabrik 3, 30451 Hannover Admission is free. No registration required The increasing silencing of the sounds of the sea due to environmental pollution is the theme of this workshop-concert. In the form of a music-dance-light installation, the artists of Ensemble Megaphon will immerse themselves in the [...]
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Benefit concert and photo exhibition for the earthquake victims in Syria and Turkey

with Ibrahim Keivo, Tayfun Bademsoy, band Gelewêj Ensemble Megaphon and asambura ensemble and photographers of the Cameo Kollektiv Sunday 18 June 2023, 6:00 pm to 8:20 pm Admission 4:45 pm, free choice of seats Galerie Herrenhausen, Herrenhäuser Gärten, Hanover Admission: Pay what you can - Zahle, was Du kannst Reservations: 5 wheelchair + 5 companion seats Idea To donate for [...].
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Ensemble Megaphon awarded the 2022 Culture Prize of the Regional Church!

"In our projects, we deal with culturally and socially relevant issues for a peaceful and respectful world. The Culture Prize encourages and supports our artistic approach to approaching these issues, creating intercultural dialogues and generating new synergies." With these words, full of joy and thanks, we have just received the 2022 Culture Prize of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in a [...]
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Cover picture: Project ...Silent Around

Stumm herum: Guest concert "Insects Landscapes"

Insects Landscapes Multimedia Konzert im Rahmen der Konzertreihe „Stumm herum. Das Ende vom Lied“ 24.06.2022 – 19 Uhr Kino im Künstlerhaus Hannover Tickets: 15,-€ , erm. 12,- € Vorverkauf: Insects Landscapes ist eine interaktive Multimedia-Performance in Zusammenarbeit mit VJ Tosh Leykum und den Musikern Ashley Hribar (Adelaide, Australien) am präparierten Klavier und  Elektronik und […]
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Cover picture: Project ...Silent Around

Stumm herum: Guest concert "Music for Insects"

Music for Insects Multimedia Konzert im Rahmen der Konzertreihe „Stumm herum. Das Ende vom Lied“ 17.06.2022 – 19 Uhr Kino im Künstlerhaus Hannover Tickets: 15,-€ , erm. 12,- € Vorverkauf: Music for Insects ist ein mediales Konzert mit dem Ensemble Megaphon und Gastkünstler*innen aus Rouen: Frédéric Jouhannet (E-Violine ) und Lison de Ridder (Overhead-Projektion). […]
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Cover picture: Tired death

The weary death - live dubbing

Sunday 10.10.2021, at 19:00 in the Kommunales Kino Hannover. Route planner (Google Maps) Live setting of the legendary silent film" Der müde Tod" by Fritz Lang from 1921 Cast: Lenka Zupkova violin, live electronics Vlady Bystrov wind instruments, live electronics Tatjana Prelevic piano, objects Poster (PDF)
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