KARAWADADA and "hooting elephants"

Within the framework of the staging DADA sounds there! two artists explored the question of how sound poems from the avantgarde art movement of the 1920s can be transformed musically and artisticly with children. To this end, they researched in the project KARAWADADA for a week with the 2nd grade of the inclusive Mira Lobe School primary school.
For this, a musician from the Ensemble Megaphon and art educator Katja Krause conducted sound, material and nonsense studies with the six to eight-year-olds on the sound poem "Caravan" by Hugo Ball. The result was shrill foam costumes, abstract collages, childlike, playful word paintings and beautiful instrumental noise.
Inspired by Ball's nonsense, nonsense and sound poetry in their childlike expression, the class performed their original sound theatre revue within the school. Also, at the concert of the great artists of the performance DADA sounds there! at the Sprengel Museum Hannover, the groups presented their results to the public.
- Katja Krause- Concept - Visual Work
- Willi Hanne -Music
Photos: Wasim Ghrioui