STUMM HERUM - The end of the song -

The Ensemble Megaphon 2022 dedicated itself to the extinction of insects, the loss of biodiversity and the associated impoverishment of natural soundscapes in six transformation concerts. 25 pupils from grades 5 and 6 of the Gymnasium Limmer were drawn into the (still) buzzing and chirping cosmos of the six-legged creatures. The children had strong opinions, profound interest and surprising expert knowledge about "insect mortality". We encountered this as an interdisciplinary team in the educational project "Thursdays for Insects", which accompanied the concert series "STUMM HERUM. The End of the Song". In the specially founded workshop of the same name, the young researchers dealt with insects on a weekly basis from February to July 2022 - guided and inspired by a team of music theatre pedagogue, art mediator, biologist, mobile creative workshop and eight students of elementary music education at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media. The activities ranged from a self-penned love poem to a dragonfly, the composed metamorphosis of a butterfly, the creation of fantasy insects in detailed drawings and sculptures, insect diaries, compositions with a Garage-Band and the creation of insect quizzes to a self-built insect hotel. The results of the workshop were presented at concerts by the ensemble, in part by the students themselves. The much regretted end of the "Thursdays for Insects" workshop and the completion of the insect hotel were celebrated with a - unfortunately very rainy - closing party at the Gymnasium Limmer.
Direction: AG Thursdays for Insects
Maike Fölling, Katja Krause, Prof. Elisa Läubin with students from the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, Wigbert Mecke and Thorben Pabst
Photos: Annika Weerzt