Stumm herum: Guest concert "Insects Landscapes"

Cover picture: Project ...Silent Around

Insects Landscapes

Multimedia concert as part of the concert series "Mute around. The end of the song"

24.06.2022 - 7 pm

Cinema at the Künstlerhaus Hanover
Tickets: 15,-€ , reduced 12,- €

Advance booking:

Insects Landscapes is an interactive multimedia performance in collaboration with VJ Tosh Leykum and musicians Ashley Hribar (Adelaide, Australia) on prepared piano and electronics and tabla virtuoso Sandip Ghosh from Kolkata. The music explores the multidimensional sounds of the tabla and the processed sounds of the piano, played both inside and out, and electronics in a sophisticated mosaic of textures, colours and grooves. These are fused with the hypnotic depiction of "insects and humans" to create a multi-sensory landscape of dissonance and harmony that poses the question to the audience: What is our relationship with these tiny but important creatures today?


Sandip Ghosh(Tablas)

Ashley Hribar(piano)

Tosh Leykum (VJ and video type)

Musicians of the Ensemble Megaphon

Ashley Hribar piano
Ashley Hribar (piano) on 24 June, Koki
Sandip Ghosh(Tablas) on 24 June, Koki
Sandip Ghosh(Tablas) on 24 June, Koki

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