Lights above the city

An evening on Brigitte Reimann: reading - concert performance - discussion

Wed, 9 April, 6 pm
Ev. community school "St. Marien" Neubrandenburg, Neustrelitzer Str. 6, (access: Windbergsweg)

18:00 - 18:30 Reading from the novel "Franziska Linkerhand"
18:40 - 19:30 Concert performance "Glowing over the city"
19:40 - 20:30 Panel discussion on architecture, urban planning and current utopias - including Susann Milatz, Deputy President of the MV Chamber of Architects

Thu, 10 .4., 7 pm
STRAZE Greifswald, Stralsunder Str. 10

19:00 - 19:30 Reading from the novel "Franziska Linkerhand"
19:40 - 20:30 Concert performance "Glowing over the city"
20:40 - 21:30 Panel discussion on architecture, urban planning and current utopias - including with lnes Yitnagashaw, architect, Altstadtinitiative Greifswalde.V.

Admission: 3,-/5,-/7,- EUR



Brigitte Reimann (1933-1973) was one of the most important GDR authors. Driven by the socialist idea of shaping a humane, just society, this artistically radical, astonishingly modern woman did not allow herself to be deterred from courageously and openly addressing grievances and deficits. In her non-conformity, she was a role model for many people at the time and still is today. Her work is currently being discovered in the USA and Great Britain and is attracting a great deal of attention throughout Germany on the occasion of her 90th birthday in 2023.

Together with Ensemble Megaphon, the directing team Anja-Christin Winkler and Ilka Seifert (werkbühne leipzig e.V.) are developing an evening on Brigitte Reimann, which combines works by various female composers with diary entries, artistic-performative elements and projections to create a multimedia concert performance. This concert performance is embedded in a reading from Brigitte Reimann's main work "Franziska Linkerhand" and a discussion event in which the audience can actively participate.


Ensemble Megaphon

Lenka Župková - violin, composition and artistic direction
Tatjana Prelevic - Piano, Composition
Sophia Körber - Soprano

werkbühne leipzig

Anja-Christin Winkler - Concept and direction
Ilka Seifert - Concept and direction

Christine Hansmann - Reading/Moderation


Lenka Župková           Block buildings for violin and live electronics (UA, 2024)
Charlotte Seither         Echoes of O`s for one or more performers (2007)
Lenka Župková            Wet dream for violin, soprano and piano (première, 2024)
Seymour Simons         All of Me (1931)
Annette Schlünz          Roses - Gesangsszenen for soprano and piano (1988)
Tatjana Prelevic          On the trail of clever synthesis (UA, 2024)

Video trailer


St. Marien" Protestant Community School and the Neubrandenburg House of Literature


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