Dada Sounds There!

Performances at the Sprengel Museum and the Old Police Station Hanover
October 2016 - January 2017
I asked myself the question: Is DADA politically and artistically topical in our time? What do sound poems sound like and look like when implemented with today's artistic means? How do we implement it musically? We asked artists and composers in the spirit of DADA to develop and present their contributions to the current situation.
It knocked and clicked, it flickered and ticked - syllables and sounds, lights and sounds wandered through corridors and rooms. On the occasion of Dada's 100th birthday, we transformed several rooms of the Alte Polizei and the Sprengel Museum into a Dadaist sound theatre collage. For the first time, verses set to music. Sound poetry grooved humorously from the double bass or lolling lasciviously on the electric sound bed.
In the process, ironically sensual noises and rhythm collages were created, and in the middle of it all, the well-known sound poet Anna Clementi Blume dadaised the audience into the magical, non-sensual world of DADA!
Jürgen Morgenstern, Heiko Machmann - Double bass
Lenka Zupkova - Violin/Live Electronics
Franz Betz - Light sculptor
Constantine Raptis - Accordion
Jürgen Grözinger, Willi Hanne - Percussion
Anna Clementi - Voice/Acting
Andre Bartetzki - Sound installation
Oren Lazovski - Dance
Tosh Leykum - Video projections
Picture gallery
Photos: Joachim Puppel