The pious Helene
by Wilhelm Busch

Text: Wilhelm Busch
Music: Bernd Alois Zimmermann and Ensemble Megaphon
Director: Mikael Honesseau
for children from 10 years and adults
Wilhelms Busch's well-known, delightfully frivolous verse work in a completely different way: the Ensemble Megaphon, known for unusual musical formats, playfully and humorously comment on the text. In live interaction, music and large image projection comics influence each other, the actress Vroni Kiefer burns off a dazzling firework of language between recitation, reading and acted scenes.
"The good - this sentence stands firm -
Is always the evil that one leaves!
Yes, yes! - I'm really glad!
Because, thank God! I am not like that!!!"
William Busch
"Die fromme Helene' with the highly enjoyable music performed by Ensemble Megaphon. Wilhelm Busch always works in Hanover, the audience was completely thrilled - also by actress Vroni Kiefer as the lively Helene. ..." - New Press
Ensemble Megaphon
Vroni Kiefer, Acting
Sebastian Wendt, clarinet
Lenka Zupkova, violin
Konstantin Raptis, accordion
Willi Hanne, percussion
André Bartetzki, Electronics
Tosh Leykum, video image
Mikael Honesseau, Director
Klosterkammer Hannover, Allianz/Agentur Christian Laqua, Kulturbüro Hannover