Faithful Music Festival
Fidelity and betrayal of musical interpretation

The pious Helene
Live radio play with text and pictures by Wilhelm Busch and music by Bernd Alois Zimmermann (1918-1970) and live improvisations by Ensemble Megaphon.
Wilhelms Busch's well-known, delightfully frivolous verse work in a completely different way: the Ensemble Megaphon playfully and humorously comments on the text. In live interaction, music and large image projection comics influence each other. The actress Vroni Kiefer burns off a dazzling firework of language between recitation, reading and acted scenes.
with Séverine Ballon (violoncello), Members of the Osnabrück Project Choir
and the commissioned composition RaumWandel from Willem Schulz
Dominican Church Art Gallery
The concert will bring contemporary music into a multifaceted relationship with the art and architecture of the Kunsthalle Dominkanerkirche, whose various spaces will be brought to life in an audio-visual choreography. The programme includes works by Rebecca Saunders, Trevor Baca, Thierry Blondeau, Ramon Lazkano and Willem Schulz.
with Michaelis Consort - Baroque Ensemble for Artistic Research &
The Faithful Jazz Workshop Band at Luther House
Right into the heart of improvisation and interpretation, this concert takes them to the same graphic score by Anestis Logothetis performed successively by a baroque ensemble and a jazz combo. Baroque and jazz works will also be heard.
Michaelis Consort
Nicola Matteis (1650-1698): Various Bizzarie sopra la Vecchia Sarabanda o pur Ciaccona
Georg Phillip Telemann (1681-1767): Sonata metodiche No. 3 in E minor (Grave, Vivace, Cunando and Vivace)
The Faithful Jazz Workshop Band
Jazz standards and own works by Joachim Raffel and Matthias Schubert
Lounge concert with surprise at the Luther House
With his lounge concert, Gagarino alias Juergen Groezinger draws a bow with rhythmical beats from classical music to innovative, modern electronic tunes. The musicians from the previous concert join in.
Contributors 17.10.2014
Ensemble Megaphon
Vroni Kiefer, Acting
Vlady Bystrov, clarinets
Lenka Zupkova, violin
Konstantin Raptis, accordion
Willi Hanne, percussion
André Bartetzki, Live Electronics
Tosh Leykum, video image
Mikael Honesseau, Director
and pupils from a school in Osnabrück
Contributors 18.10.2014
Severine Balloon
Willem Schulz
Project choir Osnabrück
Michaelis Consort
Uwe Ulbrich, baroque violin
Felix Görg, viola da gamba
Arve Stavran, harpsichord
The Faithful Jazz Workshop Band
Students of the Institute for Musicology and Music Education at the University of Osnabrück under the direction of Joachim Raffel and Matthias Schubert
DJ Gagarino
Jürgen Grötzinger
Lower Saxony Foundation, Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture, NDR Cultural Funding, Lower Saxony Music Land